Bilingual Extended Day Program
Students are welcome to experience holistic early childhood bilingual learning through play, nature, and creativity on our extended day program.
Learning through play
What does my child’s afternoon look like?
Your child’s day does not need to end at 12:30 p.m. At San Juan del Sur Day School, we strive to support the diverse needs of our families. San Juan del Sur Extended Day is an after school program serving children age 2-5. The program is designed to support parents and families who require childcare after 12:30 pm and also for children seeking additional opportunities for play, socializing and fun! Our after school program provides meaningful and exciting experiences in a Spanish-immersive, safe and caring environment.
Students will participate in:
A variety of age appropriate activities, including arts/crafts, cooking projects, science experiments, books, and puzzles lead in Spanish
Outdoor playtime (weather permitting)
Snack-time (provided by SJdS DS)
All activities will take place at Finca las Nubes.
*While we cannot guarantee that your child will nap in Extended Day, we will provide a quiet space for children needing a rest.
*Parents are responsible for sending children to school with sufficient clothing, diapers, and wipes for entire day.
Children participating in our Extended Day Program will depart school at 3:00 pm each day with our primary school students. Parents can pick up children at the bottom of Finca Las Nubes hill at 3:05 pm. Please refer to the bus schedule for drop off times north or south of town.
Currently, our extended day program has room for up to 16 children maximum. Parents who choose our monthly-unlimited use option automatically reserve a daily space for each paid month. Daily drop-ins will be assessed based on remaining space.
We offer two different payment options for our after school program.
Program Leader
Anamariela has
Monthly-Unlimited Use – $140.00 per month, per child
Unless otherwise notified by a parent, child will stay for Extended Day all full days that school is in session during the month that has been paid. Payment is required in full, 5 days prior to start of new month.
Daily - $12/day per child
Students who are not signed up for unlimited use will automatically be billed at a daily rate. Invoices are generated each month and must be paid in full within 5 days or child will not be permitted to participate in future Extended Day activities. To reserve a space for the day, parents must contact Extended Day Supervisor Director Onelia Obregon via email, by 3:00 pm the day before. Space is on first come, first served basis. If you do not hear back, assume that your child will be dismissed at 12:30.
**Parents must be current on all school tuition and fees to be eligible for Extended Day
**Extended Day is not available on half-days or when school is on holiday/vacation
Sign up
Families who wish to sign up please write to