San Juan Del Sur Day School Lunch
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Learn About the Kitchen:
Senderos Kitchen: A Learning Kitchen
School Lunch Sign Up
Sign Up Here Today
For Questions please contact Corinna at: sustainability@sanjuandelsurdayschool.com
Terms and Conditions:
1. Program Duration: This program has a duration of 1 months from the acceptance of the service, with a daily cost of $4.65. Bills are calculated according to the number of school days per month and are sent out at the beginning of each month.
2. The bills will be sent out at the beginning of each month from our accounting department and should be paid before the 15th of each month. If the school doesn’t receive payment for enrolled students, a late fee of 10% will be added to the bill. If parents are not complying with the rules, students will be withdrawn from the program.
3. Payments are to be received only in CASH at the school business office.
4. Daily Service: Meals will be provided on a daily and continuous basis, and unused service days cannot be accumulated. Unused meals will not be reimbursed.
5. Individual Service: The food service is individual for each student. Payments must be made per student and are not transferable to other students.
6. Allergies and Intolerances: Parents must report allergies or dietary intolerances when enrolling their child.
7. Senderos Kitchen will make all efforts to meet dietary needs of all students, however it may not be able to meet the needs of all students. If you have any questions, please reach out to Corinna, at sustainability@sanjuandelsurdayschool.com.
By Signing up I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge Senderos Kitchen's School Meal Program, and voluntarily accept the aforementioned terms and conditions. I understand that this school nutrition program costs $4.65 per school day and understand that this cost may fluctuate over the year depending on food prices. I acknowledge that the accounting department will send the invoice with the total amount at the end of each month. I accept the rules. Furthermore, I comprehend that this program will be automatically renewed unless the school receives a formal notice from me via email requesting cancellation of the service.